Hand Crafted Collection

Hand Knitted Good Luck Charm Bracelet

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Part of our Authentic Hand Crafted Collection these Good Luck Charm Bracelets are one of a kind! Each one is hand tied while reciting a powerful mantra, and has it' very own Good luck Bat charm!

In feng shui applications, the bat is used as a wealth cure and considered a symbol of wealth because the word bat “fook” has the same pronounciation as “prosperity” in Chinese. Bat also came to represent longevity and happiness, so it is an auspicious symbol in Chinese culture.

Wear it on the left wrist as this is the receiving side for the body and soul.

  • Material: Tibetan Rope
  • Knot Type: Jingang Knots
  • Usage:Brings Luck
  • Bracelet size: adjustable 16,18 CM